Retroactive Pay for Retirees

There are a number of people whose employment with Dalhousie ceased during the last round a contract negotiations, from July 1, 2022 to September 13, 2023. Depending on the reason for no longer working for Dalhousie, you might be eligible for retroactive pay based on the new contract rates.

Specifically, if you retired during this period you are definitely eligible for retroactive pay for the period you were working at Dalhousie, along with an adjustment to your pension calculations. (As an example on the other hand, if you were on Long Term Disability for the entire period you were not a Dalhousie Employee, but rather an Insurance Beneficiary, so are not eligible for retroactive pay for employees.)

Contact Employee Relations at

  1. Determine your eligibility for retroactive payments
  2. Verify that your contact information and banking information are current. Dalhousie will not track down former employees they have lost touch with, but have committed to make retroactive payments for those whose contact information and banking information is up to date and accurate.

The retroactive payment is expected to be sent on January 1, 2024 for former employees.



