Bargaining Update – Virtual Meeting
VirtualDate: Wednesday, July 5 Time: 12:00 noon Venue: Zoom A meeting link and passcode will be emailed prior to the meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to […]
Local 77 members (signed and unsigned), will receive emails to join our general membership meetings (the first Thursday of each month except for July, August, and September).
Unsigned members are strongly encouraged to complete the membership card by visiting here. Becoming a signed member enables you to participate fully in the experience of being a member of the NSGEU and Local 77. A tremendous part of being a signed member is voting on decisions that impact you.
We encourage all members to ask questions. Your local executive and supporting committees are volunteers and are members, just like you!
If you have questions regarding general meetings, or if you are not receiving emails with the virtual meeting information and link, please contact us.
Date: Wednesday, July 5 Time: 12:00 noon Venue: Zoom A meeting link and passcode will be emailed prior to the meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to […]