
Need help? If you’re looking for assistance with a workplace problem or concern, one of the best places to start is with one of your local’s stewards.

Stewards are active members of your local who are very familiar with your collective agreement and who volunteer to help co-workers and the employer ensure that the agreement is being adhered to.

Stewards are often the first people employees and employers turn to when there’s a problem in the workplace. They can often help settle simple misunderstandings or, if the problem is more serious, help initiate the formal grievance process.

The Steward is either elected by those that they will represent and then ratified at a Local meeting; or elected and ratified at a Local meeting. They can be appointed by the Chief Steward and ratified at the next Local meeting but that is only used in cases where the Local meeting is not happening in time, and the Steward needs to be appointed in the interim (e.g. for education purposes).

Local 77 Shop Stewards

Aaron BoweringFacilities Managementaaron.bowering@dal.ca902-494-1393
Nellie ClykeLibrariesnellie.clyke@dal.ca902-494-3617
Patti DevlinPsychology &
Pauline FraserMedical Neurosciencepauline.fraser@dal.ca902-494-2051
Kevin FrenchMed IT(not currently active)
Julie HarnishLawjulie.harnish@dal.ca902-494-1038
Staci HartArts and Social Sciencesstaci.hart@dal.ca902-494-1190
Audrey LaPierreLibrariesaudi@dal.ca902-494-3617
Seungkyoo LeeLibrariessn355024@dal.ca902-494-3617
Charlene LucasAncillary Servicesclucas@dal.ca902-494-2784
Cherilyn MacIntoshLawcherilyn.macintosh@dal.ca902-494-4299
Chris MaxwellComputer Sciencecmaxwell@dal.ca902-225-2877
Tara RyanPostgraduate Medical Educationtara.ryan@dal.ca902-706-3943
Lisa SillitoLawlisa.sillito@dal.ca902-494-2690
Darlene TaylorLibrariesdarlene.taylor@dal.ca902-494-8888
Andrea Wheeler-WadeGraduate Studiesandrea.wheeler.wade@dal.ca902-706-7902
Tammy ZinckITStammy.zinck@dal.ca902-494-7070

Right to Union Representation

42.02 Before an Employee is disciplined (verbal warning, written warning or suspension only) or discharged they shall be advised of the right to have a Union representative present. This shall not preclude the right of the Employer to suspend “pending investigation” when a representative is not available.

Contact any steward below if you need union representation during disciplinary action, or have questions about the union or your rights as a member. They need not be from your department or faculty.

Last updated Jan 23, 2025

Other Relevant Sections of the Collective Agreement

49.04 An Employee, and/or the NSGEU Employee Relations Officer, Local President, and/or Stewards (upon written request of the Employee), shall have the right to examine, upon appointment and during regular office hours, all documents in their personnel file except for confidential references recorded or obtained during the appointment process, which shall be held confidential. On written request to the supervisor concerned an Employee or, upon the written request of the Employee, the E.R.O., Local President and/or Stewards may receive, at their own expense, copies of any documents to which they have the right of examination.

43.02 A grievor shall have reasonable time off without loss of pay to consult their steward when meeting with the Employer in the grievance process.

Becoming a Steward (from the by-laws)

  1. Membership of Stewards Committee
    • Appointments as steward shall be by election, for a term of two years. Stewards may offer for successive terms.
    • A chief steward shall be elected from among members of the committee for a term of two years at the first committee meeting following the biennial general meeting.
    • If the chief steward resigns then the committee will select a replacement to fill the remainder of the chief steward’s term.
    • The chief steward shall become a member of the Local Executive.
    • The president of the local shall be an ex-officio, non-voting member of the committee, and shall be notified of any meetings of the Committee. The local president may designate another member of the executive committee to represent her/him in this capacity.
  2. Duties of Steward
    • To assist members with difficulties and grievances and report these to the chief steward and committee.
    • To attend at least 50% of all general meetings and 50% of all steward committee meetings.
    • To attend educational workshops put on by NSGEU and by the local. Specifically to attend the level one stewards program within the first year.
  3. The chief steward shall be responsible for:
    • The preparation of agendas
    • Calling of meetings
    • Ensuring that the Committee functions effectively
    • Maintaining order in meetings, including ruling on the appropriateness of certain items which come up for discussion
    • Following up on recommendations or decisions made within the committee, including following up on members who undertake specific assignments
    • Maintaining liaison with the executive committee including reporting regularly and obtaining approval from the executive committee of decisions the council wishes to implement.
    • Carrying out approved decisions of the council, or delegating this function, as the need arises
  4. Specifically, the stewards committee shall function to:
    • Exchange information between stewards to develop an overview of common issues and problems within the university.
    • Act as an advisory body to the executive committee.
    • Maintain and improve two-way communication between the executive committee and the general membership.
    • Study and develop ways of performing the work of stewards better.
    • Serve as a forum for discussion of common problems in working as a local 77 steward